Universidad católica de Valparaíso Universidad de Santiago Universidad Católica del Norte
Corfo Gobierno de Chile
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Who are we?

Science Up is a consortium made up of the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV) and the Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). These institutions were jointly awarded a 2030 Science and Innovation Project through CORFO in order to implement a Strategic Development Plan in seeking to transform their faculties of science in both undergraduate and graduate areas.

During its first stage —2018 to 2020—, the consortium conducted international technology benchmarking tours across the United States and Europe. These visits allowed the consortium to develop a strategic plan for their faculties to transition toward a development model that more closely aligns with society and the productive sector.

In the second stage of implementation -2021 to 2026-, the faculties of science will work to increase R&D, technology transfer, innovation, and science- and technology-based entrepreneurship among participating academics, researchers and undergraduate and graduate students.

In this way, the three universities —strongly integrated with their respective social and regional contexts— have set a general objective to bolster their training of highly competent students with further capacities to develop applied research, technology transfer and development, cutting-edge innovation and science- and technology-based entrepreneurship.


Faculty of Sciences, PUCV

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Faculty of Science, USACH

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Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, USACH

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Faculty of Sciences, UCN

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Faculty of Marine Sciences, UCN

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Faculty of Engineering and Geological Sciences, UCN

Department of Geological Sciences

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